Analyst Who Knows Bitcoin (BTC) October Price: These Levels Are Coming!

Senior crypto analyst Tone Vays said that a key price level will act as a breakout line for Bitcoin (BTC)’s next rally. Tone Vays expects a bearish pre-bullish move in BTC. We have compiled the details for you, let’s examine the subject together…

Tone Vays: Bitcoin (BTC) could pull back to around $54,000!

In his new analysis, Tone Vays said that he initially expected Bitcoin (BTC) to retrace to around $54,000, but that would not be the end of the uptrend. The analyst told 115,000 YouTube subscribers that he likes the fact that Bitcoin’s 128-day moving average is close to breaking above its 200-day moving average, which could bring further bullishness in the medium to long term.

Tone Vays says another daily green close will bring BTC very close to $64,000. This is what the analyst calls the “breaking line” for the king coin. The analyst thinks that the resistance around $66,000 is not strong enough to stop another rise. Tone Vays adds the following to his explanations on the subject:

This can get us very close to this line and I use this line as the breakout line… If we can get above this line, I see little chance that this top will hold, and once we get above this $64,000 line I will predict that we will constantly go up and up and up and up. So while the daily chart is neutral, it is definitely bullish.

Bitcoin (BTC)'s Next Step To These Levels!

Tone Vays: I expect us to hit $100,000 by the end of December!

In September, Tone Vays correctly predicted that Bitcoin would break its all-time highs in mid-October. The next part of his forecast is for BTC to move up to six-digit levels in late December. In addition, the analyst also predicted $7,000, the great December crash of BTC. Tone Vays adds the following to his explanations on the subject:

Just like before, at the beginning of October or mid-October, I expect us to begin challenging previous all-time highs, and then take a massive upswing at the end of the year. As with mid-October to late December, I expect us to go from $65,000 to $100,000. That’s still my goal.

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