Analyst Shares Altcoin Projects to Invest and Not to Invest

Enes Turan, a widely followed cryptocurrency analyst in Turkey and using the name “Paradotor” on Twitter, advised his followers on the Bitcoin and altcoin market. We share the details as…

Enes Turan: I do not recommend these altcoin projects!

Cryptocurrency phenomenon Enes Turan, who has over 698,000 followers on Twitter, said in a tweet he sent in the past few weeks that he “doesn’t offer coins over 5 percent of the cost” to his followers. Paradotor; Holo (HOT) stated that it does not recommend the Trust Wallet Token (TWT) because it is “far below the cost”. REEF said that it does not recommend coins like SXP as they are also rising. He included Auto (AUTO) and Flamingo Finance (FLM) as suitable coins.

AUTO is the native utility and governance token of the Autofarm protocol launched in late December 2020 on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Autofarm is a cross-chain yield aggregator that allows users to earn high returns on their holdings from their yield farm pools by staking in Autofarm vaults. It’s changing hands at $1,091 at the time of writing.

Flamingo Finance (FLM) is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform based on Neo Blockchain and Poly Network interoperability protocol. It combines several DeFi applications into a single ecosystem. FLM is trading at $0.62, up 4.6 percent at the time of writing.

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