Analyst Gave 4 Levels That Bitcoin (BTC) Will See By January!

Paradator, one of the most popular traders in the Turkish cryptocurrency market, shared its year-end targets for Bitcoin (BTC). According to the trader with 700,000 followers, we can reach 6-digit prices. Paradator thinks that the supply of Bitcoin on exchanges is decreasing, so we may enter a hard upward trend in which BTC will be at the forefront. But he adds that the altcoin bull may end by the end of January.

Bitcoin year-end price predictions

Paradator shared its BTC predictions late on Nov. The levels specified in the tweet are $72,000, 84,000, 102,000, and $126,000, respectively. Paradator thinks that we will experience a hard uptrend due to the shortage of BTC on exchanges. At the end of January, he thinks the altcoin bull may end.

Meanwhile, BTC price started to break the silence of November. About 3 weeks of activity, mostly below $65,000, currently continues above $66,000. Bitcoin took its first step above $ 65,000 on the hourly candle with midnight last night. In the rise felt throughout the market, Ethereum reached $4,700 and AVAX above $95. Currently, only SHIB is down 6%, unable to accompany the November 8th rise. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is consolidating around $66,000 to test its October 20 ATH of $66,930.39.

Finally, Paradator thinks that the altcoin season will begin once we reach the TP2 level of $84,000. You can access Paradator’s altcoin basket and analysis here. We will be relaying the hot developments during the day again.

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