Analyst BTC Shares Altcoin Project That Will Explode With ETH Forecast!

Popular crypto strategist and trader The Crypto Dog emphasizes that Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to show signs of strength, but a major altcoin project is strikingly stronger than the two biggest cryptocurrencies.

Mega bull predictions in Bitcoin (BTC)

The analyst, known in the industry by the nickname The Crypto Dog, tells his 666,900 Twitter followers that Bitcoin (BTC) is in a bullish trend as it erodes the ATH level:

I cannot forget or belittle how bullish BTC has been. There is a bullish consolidation in ATH levels. It will be a huge trend soon.

At the time of writing, Bitcoin was trading just under $66,000, up 6.1% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. Ethereum continues to hold in the $4,700 region. According to Crypto Dog, Ethereum looks pretty strong as the leading smart contract platform continues to trade in an ascending channel:

ETH – just clean, vertical accumulation.

The Crypto Dog: This altcoin will surpass BTC and ETH!

While bullish on Bitcoin and Ethereum, The Crypto Dog says that an extremely hot altcoin clearly outperforms both BTC and ETH:

SOL is striking, much stronger than BTC and ETH.

Smart contract platform Solana is currently the fourth largest cryptocurrency, gaining over 53% in the last 30 days. Meanwhile, Bitcoin and Ethereum rose 21% and 32.6%, respectively, in the same time frame. Crypto Dog, whose analysis we share, also looks at the SOL/ETH pair, predicting that the value of Solana will increase faster than Ethereum:

Either ETH is about to fall off a cliff or LEFT is about to reach the moon. I’m not sure what else could happen with this setup… (I’m pretty optimistic about ETH).

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