Analyst Announces 7 Coins to Add to Altcoin Portfolio!

Cheeky Crypto, a Youtube Channel on crypto, highlighted the 7 best altcoin projects to have. Detail‘in.

Recommended altcoin projects

Polkadot is the first altcoin. A truly powerful project that many already know and talk about, Polkadot is designed to provide a foundation for a decentralized blockchain internet, also known as Web3. Polkadot is in the top 10 and DOT costs $28.1.

Cardano is the second altcoin. Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform that says its goal is to allow “changers, innovators and visionaries” to bring positive global change. ADA changes hands at $1.37 and has a market cap of approximately $46 billion.

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ChainLink is the third altcoin. Through a decentralized oracle network, Chainlink allows it to interact securely with non-blockchain data feeds, events, and payment methods, providing the critical off-chain information complex smart contracts need to become the dominant form of digital contract.

Elrond is the next altcoin. Elrond is a blockchain protocol that aims to offer extremely fast transaction speeds using sharding. The project describes itself as a technology ecosystem for the new internet that includes fintech, decentralized finance and the Internet of Things.

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VeChain aims to use distributed governance and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to create an ecosystem that solves big data barriers for many global industries, from medicine to energy, food and beverage to sustainability and SDG goals.

Harmony (ONE) is a blockchain platform designed to facilitate the creation and use of DApps. The network aims to renew the way decentralized applications work by focusing on random state sharing that allows for block generation in seconds.

Popular Analyst Named 3 Altcoin Projects!

NEAR Protocol is a layer blockchain designed as a community-run cloud computing platform, removing some of the limitations that clog rival blockchains such as slow transaction speeds, poor throughput, and poor interoperability.

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