Analyst Announces 7 Altcoin Projects in His Basket!

Josh Rager, a popular crypto analyst and trader, tells his 192,600 Twitter followers that Cosmos (ATOM) is poised to record all-time highs and explains his altcoin portfolio. We know the analyst for his accurate prediction of Bitcoin’s drop from $10,000 to $8,000, where it lost 20%. The analyst also became famous for accurately predicting the whale selloff. For details keep reading.

What altcoin projects does the analyst have in his basket?

Crypto analyst Josh Rager explains that alongside leading altcoin Ethereum competitors Avalanche (AVAX) and Near Protocol (NEAR), the elastic Blockchain network Skale Network (SKL), privacy-focused Blockchain Dusk Network (DUSK) and decentralized parallel Blockchain network He says he keeps Cosmos in his portfolio. The analyst also notes that the fractional-algorithmic stablecoin system Frax Protocol’s governance token Frax Share (FXS) and decentralized exchange (DEX) Curve Finance’s governance token Curve (CRV) are also bullish.

Looking at ATOM, Josh Rager believes the altcoin is ready to rush to new record highs after breaking the sudden resistance at $32:

It’s only a matter of time before ATOM reaches new heights. Check out ATOM based on Bitcoin’s price action here. One of the strongest assets on the market right now. I expect a very strong reaction when Bitcoin jumps.


According to CoinMarketCap data, ATOM was trading at $42.45 at the time of writing.

The next altcoin project is Skale Network (SKL). He says that Josh Rager is threatening to ignite a rally by taking the resistance at $0.21:

Watch SKL here. If the price shows strength, it will scale further.


At the time of writing, SKL is changing hands around the key $0.21 level indicated by the analyst.

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