Analyst Announces 7 Altcoin Projects and Forecasts in His Basket!

Kerim Kalender, who is followed by 353 thousand people on Twitter, announced the altcoin projects in his portfolio in the current situation. So, what is the focus of the cryptocurrency news analyst and altcoin hunter right now? We are giving the details as…

Kerim Kalender drew attention to these 7 altcoin projects

In a tweet he sent the other day, he conveyed the cryptocurrencies in his current portfolio and their costs. The altcoins that the analyst especially drew attention to were Star Atlas (ATLAS), Venus (XVS), THORChain (RUNE), Theta (THETA), Reserve Rights (RSR), Wanchain (WAN), Frontier (FRONT). When asked why he chose these coins, the analyst shared the expected important news. As the crypto community knows, recent developments have had quite an impact on the price of altcoins.

Kerim Kalender noted that Reserve Rights, a dual-token stablecoin platform, and THORChain, a decentralized liquidity protocol that allows users to easily exchange crypto assets between various networks, will move to the mainnet in March.

On the other hand, he stated that he thinks that the popular phenomenon of recent times, metaverse news will come from Blockchain-based video streaming platform Theta. He shared that the team of Venus, a BSC-based project, will perform buybacks and coin burns to reduce supply. DeFi aggregator pointed to Frontier’s first quarter news calendar. Finally, he said that there is no news on interoperability-focused Wanchain, he just likes the price. Then, he said, “In short, we will profit from them, I have full faith”.

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