Analyst Announces 5 Altcoin Projects to Watch in November

Known for his accurate predictions, crypto strategist Michael van de Poppe gave hints on year-end prospects. The analyst had reported the recent Bitcoin declines hours ago. In addition to these, Poppe has also done a good job with his crypto predictions for the past months. He warned before the sharp correction in February and correctly predicted the market crash on February 22. Poppe is now sharing and detailing his altcoin basket for November. We have prepared a summary of the analysis. Let’s start with the first choice Polkadot (DOT)…

Van de Poppe says DOT price could reach $51.34

In a recent strategy session, Van de Poppe said that the interoperable Blockchain Polkadot tracks price action. According to the crypto trader, Polkadot is in an uptrend against Bitcoin (DOT/BTC) as it continues to record HH and LH levels on the daily chart. In the technical part, Poppe says:

As long as we stay above this 0.00056 BTC ($33.83) area, I think there will be a continuation where we can flip this level (0.00085 BTC or $51.34) and create a new one ourselves. high school.

Using the Fibonacci extension tool, Van de Poppe says the target for the next DOT/BTC rise is around 0.001 BTC at $60.40.

Next altcoin: Cosmos (ATOM)

Next up is Cosmos, a project that aims to become the “internet of blockchains”. The crypto strategist highlights three potential entry points for Cosmos in the Bitcoin pair (ATOM/BTC):

You can start scooping between 0.00056 BTC and 0.00058 BTC ($33.83 – $35.03). If it’s up to me, next is around 0.00052 BTC ($31.41) and finally around 0.00045 BTC ($27.18).

Van de Poppe thinks CRV is ready against BTC

Another cryptocurrency on the investor’s radar is Curve (CRV), the governance token of stablecoin-focused decentralized exchange Curve Finance. According to Van de Poppe, Curve has been trading in a wide range between 0.000036 BTC and 0.000086 BTC ($2.17 and $5.19) for almost a year. However, the crypto trader says that a breakout from the range will ignite a massive rally to its target of 0.00022 BTC worth $13.29.

Successful Trader Explained What Will Happen in Bitcoin (BTC) Now!

Altcoin LINK may not be awake yet

The fourth cryptocurrency on the list is Chainlink, the decentralized oracle network that Van de Poppe says is still of interest despite going through a deep correction against Bitcoin (LINK/BTC). According to Poppe, more can be expected from LINK price:

Given that Chainlink is still doing this year and hasn’t shown much strength yet and DeFi (decentralized finance) is likely to wake up, this will provide a huge opportunity.

The Graph ranks last

The latest altcoin is The Graph (GRT), a platform that indexes and organizes Blockchain data. Van de Poppe says that if the Graph has immediate support at $0.79 worth of 0.000013 BTC, it could draw a bottom against Bitcoin (GRT/BTC). He also adds the following for the direction of the trend:

We are looking for HL level here and if that happens, all this trend reversal will happen.

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