Analyst Announces 5 Altcoin Projects That He Says “Worth To Buy”!

According to Chico Crypto, a Youtube crypto analyst, the top 5 altcoins to buy right now are OHM, KLIMA, REN, KILT and EWT. Details‘in.

Altcoin projects worth buying

1. Olympus (OHM) is a decentralized reserve currency protocol where each OHM token is backed by a set of assets in the Olympus treasury. Olympus repays investors at a discount with OHM after a certain qualifying period, which is currently five days, by purchasing their assets at their risk-free value. Its market cap is over $1.2 billion as of November 28, trading at $732.02.

2. Air conditioning DAO (AIR CONDITIONING). It took and forked the OHM protocol to create the world’s most liquid carbon credits market. He claims that KLIMA has fulfilled its mission of appreciating the prices of carbon credits. At the time of writing, KLIMA is trading at $1,248.19.

3. Rhine (REN). Ranked #137 on CoinGecko. Ren was actually 82nd. The analyst says he thinks Ren will recapture the top 100 cryptos and possibly even catch up with the old March rankings or even more. At the time of writing, the price of the REN was $0.910216.

4. KILT Protocol (KILT). According to the analyst, the KILT Protocol has a lot to do with Polkadot. KILT is a blockchain protocol for publishing self-sovereign, verifiable, revocable anonymous credentials that enable trust market business models on the Web 3.0. KILT Protocol is currently trading at $9.21 with a trading volume of $3,665,895.

5. Energy Web Chain (EWT) is a blockchain-based virtual machine created to assist application development for the energy industry. The operational token behind the Energy WebChain is EWT. The analyst adds that something big is coming for the power grid by the end of the year.

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