Analyst Announces 2 Metaverse Coin Projects That He Expects to Rise!

The focus of the crypto money market can be shaped by the new steps of companies into the sector. Metaverse coin projects, one of the latest examples, came to the fore with Facebook’s rebranding as Meta. Alongside meme coins, DeFis, and NFTs, crypto investors are now turning their attention to metaverse projects. we have We have compiled the analysis of 2 projects that Crypto Tips analysts see as potential. Here are the details…

First metaverse coin selection: Ovr (OVR)

Youtube crypto channel Crypto Tips analysts shared 2 metaverse coin projects that have not yet risen after the Facebook news that changed the agenda. According to analysts, the first of the cryptocurrencies to watch out for is Ovr (OVR). The project is based on Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum. It collects the most volume on BSC. Another striking point in OVR is the 272% price explosion in the last 30 days. However, the metaverse coin has been moving sideways for the past week and if it can step above the $2.50 resistance, it could go into price discovery mode. Also, with the Metaverse frenzy getting stronger, it is thought that the expected rally for OVR could happen.

Second, we take a look at Enjin (ENJ). The project recently announced that it will invest in Efinity (EFI) with a $100 million fund. Analysts, on the other hand, find the ENJ’s 90% rise in the last 30 days to be insufficient. According to Crypto Tips analysts, the actual value of ENJ is around $10. Before making a choice for the portfolio, you can find all the details about the metaverse here (section-1, section-2). At the time of writing, Bitcoin was trading around $68,000 and continues to erode its ATH of $68,530.34.

Analyst Named 2 Metaverse Coin Projects!

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