An Investigation into Auto Stocking Has Been Launched

The Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an ex officio investigation against the suspects, who allegedly created a monopoly by collecting new vehicles from dealers and influencing the increase in vehicle prices.

Attorney General’s Office exorbitant price hike initiated work to prevent it.

The Office of the Chief Prosecutor, which requested the vehicle sales proforma documents from the vehicle dealers for the period in which the SCT reduction was made, identification information of the buyers of the vehicles and will request the power of attorney for vehicle purchase and sale from the Notaries Union of these individuals.

The Office of the Chief Prosecutor will provide information from the Traffic Registration Branch Directorate, by whom the vehicles in question were purchased.

It will be investigated how much VAT discount is provided due to this purchase in the supply of invoices issued by the dealers for the sales to the companies and the relevant company data.

The vehicles sold during the SCT reduction period are purchased later by the dealer. put into second hand position The loss incurred by the state will be determined by the sale of the product. Provincial Directorate of Commerce and Tax Office directorates on this subject will work to determine the damage.

The investigation will be carried out on charges of “forgery”, “fraud” and “influencing profits and prices”.

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