An Important Decision Has Been Made For Cryptocurrencies From Japan!

Japan’s token issuers will now be exempt from corporate tax on unrealized earnings. The tax cut is good news for crypto firms in Japan who have to pay taxes on paper earnings for tokens issued by other firms. What does this development mean for cryptocurrencies and companies?

Important tax reform for cryptocurrencies in Japan!

Japan’s National Tax Agency has revised its corporate tax rules for cryptocurrency issuers. The new rules exempt crypto token issuers from paying corporate taxes on unrealized gains for their holdings. According to a local news source, the exemptions will apply under two conditions. First, the token must be issued by the firm itself. It must also meet the requirement to have it held continuously since the issuance. Second, cryptocurrencies must be subject to “transfer restrictions” from the date of issue.

The tax committee of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) approved the revision proposal in December 2022. Thus, it entered the ruling party’s draft tax reform for 2023. The tax office gave the final approval this week. Prior to the revision, token issuers had to pay a 35% tax on unrealized earnings on the tokens they held if cryptocurrencies were listed on the open market. Firms were paying taxes at the end of the tax period for the crypto assets they held.

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, this high taxation has placed an undue burden on crypto firms. Because they had to pay taxes on paper earnings. Since the holdings were not sold, taxable gains were not realized. In other words, firms had to pay taxes on profits they didn’t actually make. Therefore, taxation has caused crypto founders to emigrate from Japan.

The development will facilitate the business environment for crypto firms

The relaxation in corporate tax is a step towards facilitating the business environment for crypto firms in Japan. Sota Watanabe, the founder of Japan-based Astar Network, which actively advocates tax cuts for crypto firms, made a statement on the subject. In this regard, Watanabe said the latest revisions will help stop immigration. Watanabe also noted that he will continue to collaborate with regulators and politicians to introduce more favorable tax rules for Japanese crypto firms. Sota Watanabe continued her statements with the following statements:

Next, I want to do something about the end-of-period taxation of holding as a company tokens issued by other companies. Because, this situation prevents the projects from expanding domestically.

The current revision of tax laws provides relief. However, crypto firms still have to pay taxes on their paper earnings to hold tokens issued by other firms.

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