The new social media platform Minus draws attention with its different features from the social media tools we are used to. The application, which does not have any popularity criteria, gives its users the right to share only 100 posts in their entire lifetime.
Social media platforms have an important place in our lives, especially in the last 10 years. These platforms are constantly sharing what, where, how and with whom their users do at any time of the day. interacting waits to stay. Companies and users stand out thanks to this interaction.
However, the profiles created on this platform often give an idea about who the users want to be, not who they are. In anticipation of likes, comments or followers, users try to share everything instantly and quickly to be visible. Social media platform Minus, designed by Professor Ben Grosser at the University of Illinois, away from all these worries It focuses on how to create a profile when it is available and with limited sharing rights.
Only 100 posts with no interaction other than comments
Ben Grosser, an artist and professor at the University of Illinois, has designed an extraordinary social media application as a result of ten years of researching how to have better quality communication on social networks. minus Unlike the social media applications we are used to, the social media platform offers its users a limited interaction opportunity.
minus, if there were no likes in the center It was designed as an interesting way of how social media might work. In this application, it doesn’t matter how many likes, followers or continuous posts you share. Users can only interact with comments and only share 100 posts in their entire lifetime.
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With Professor Grosser Minus, he gets his users to think harder for each post. to represent themselves and their lives max 100 posts offers the opportunity to share. Here, it creates a space for the representation of life, not for being admired or standing out.
Social media platforms earn very serious income with their advertising campaigns. In this application where there is almost no interaction No monetary gain is targeted. therefore, it can be described as a kind of rebellion among social media, not as a commercial business. Grosser, for the continuity of this application, which has never been designed before. “I don’t know if we can have an online social network that is good for society in a capitalist system” says.
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