An exemplary punishment to Twitter user: For only 20 minutes of sharing!

Britain fined 36-year-old Twitter user Joseph Kelly for a tweet he posted. The user, on the other hand, deleted the post for which he was penalized, after keeping it for only 20 minutes. Arguing that he has few followers in court, the user still could not avoid being punished for the content of his sharing. So what was the offensive tweet Kelly shared and what was the penalty? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

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Twitter user suspended for community service!

Twitter user Joseph Kelly wrote, after the death of British Army Officer Captain Sir Tom Moore, “The only British soldier is a title soldier. How is it to burn, old dude?” he shared. The Twitter user was sentenced to 150 hours of community service for posting heavily offensive content. Kelly could not prevent the sentence, even though he argued in court that he had few followers on Twitter and that his sharing was for a short time.

Adrian Cottam, the sheriff who sentenced Joseph Kelly, said after the defense:

“My view is that this is a very offensive tweet after hearing the evidence. Deterrence is showing people this as soon as they hit the blue button, despite the steps you would have taken to remember the issues. It is important that other people understand how quickly things can spiral out of control. A good example of this is when you don’t have a large number of followers.

Captain Sir Tom Moore launched a campaign on his 100th birthday last year, driving 100 laps in his home garden. Thanks to the campaign, Sir had collected £18 million to fight the pandemic. Tom Moore, who became a national figure in the United Kingdom after the campaign, was crowned Queen II. He was knighted by Elizabeth. Sir Tom Moore passed away on February 2, 2021, after reaching the age of 101.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think Twitter user Joseph Kelly deserved his punishment or was the content he shared wrong? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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