Amazing Events to See in the Sky in 2024

In 2024, we will witness many events that will fascinate us in the sky. Days before the new year, we researched what celestial event awaits us this year.

These events, which will affect millions of people, will offer unforgettable moments for sky enthusiasts. From meteor showers to solar eclipses We will witness many events this year.

The only thing we can say for 2024 is, It will be a busy year for sky enthusiasts. We will all be dazzled, let us warn you in advance!

On the 18th day of the new year, Jupiter and the Moon will meet.

On January 18, an exciting event will happen for sky enthusiasts: The magnificent meeting of the Moon and Jupiter. Jupiter, the solar system’s largest planet, will appear next to a glowing half Moon in the early evening. If you miss this date, don’t worry; because Jupiter and the Moon will meet again on February 14, March 13 and April 10.

On April 8, North America will witness the biggest celestial event of the year.

solar eclipse

The Moon will completely cover the Sun, captivating millions of viewers and giving us a magnificent Solar Eclipse. This unique event stretches from Mexico to Texas. It will be visible from 15 US states and 5 provinces of Eastern Canada.

Eclipse, On the Pacific coast of Mexico It will start at 11.07. The eclipse, which will last approximately 4 minutes and 28 seconds, will provide wonderful moments.

In April, the sky will present us with a magnificent show.


The giant comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks will pass near the Earth on April 12. Mount Everest This giant comet, which is three times its size, attracted attention with multiple explosions in 2023.

After passing Jupiter on April 12, it will reach its closest point to the Sun on April 21; It will reach its peak of brightness and provide a great opportunity to observe.

There is a meteor shower show on May 4 that is not to be missed for sky enthusiasts.

meteor shower

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower welcomes us in May. The Moon taking the shape of a crescent Before rising in the pre-dawn hours of May 4 It is expected that this rain will be observed first. Those in the southern hemisphere will be able to watch this event more easily.

Another meteor shower will occur in a few months.

Perseid meteor shower

2024 will be fruitful in terms of meteor showers We will also see the Perseid meteor shower on August 12 and 13. Meteors will appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus to observers in the northern hemisphere.

On September 17, Saturn merges with the Moon.

saturn and moon

On September 17, the Moon and Saturn will begin a spectacular series of celestial alignments for the last four months of this year. This eye-catching combination will present us with a fascinating sight that can be seen with the naked eye and This show will be repeated on 14-15 October, 11 November and 8 December.

However, they will not be close enough to look like they are united. Saturn with its distinct yellow hue The color contrast of the Moon’s glow will cause this pair of skies to appear intertwined.

We will watch a spectacular solar eclipse on October 2.

solar eclipse

Get ready for the western hemisphere to experience the second solar eclipse of the year in 2024. The eclipse will pass over the Pacific Ocean and the chance of being visible from land will be limited to a few locations. It will be clearly observed on Easter Island at 14.07 local time. and exactly It will last 6 minutes and 23 seconds.

We will be able to see the arrival of Comet C/2023 A3.

C/2023 A3

It was discovered in February 2023 and is expected to turn into a spectacular show towards the end of 2024. A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS The celestial body is among those followed with excitement.

The orbit of the star that can be seen in the sky on the evening of October 12, 80,000 years later For the first time, it will approach both the Sun and the Earth. Astronomers predict that it is likely to brighten and be visible to the naked eye.

We will watch Venus and the Moon embrace after sunset.

Venus and Moon

On December 4, Venus and crescent Moon after sunset They will experience a wonderful embrace. After sunset, the Moon and Venus will come together in the early sky, providing a visual feast for viewers. We should also say that Venus will look like a quarter miniature of the Moon.

These magnificent images will be waiting for us step by step in the new year. To witness these moments your telescope and binoculars Don’t forget to prepare!

Our other content about the sky:


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