Alt+Tab Software Incubation Center Opens on September 24

Alt+Tab Software Incubation Center, implemented by Istanbul Güngören Municipality, will open its doors on September 24 to accept entrepreneurs interested in software. The center, where it is possible to apply online until October 1, aims to contribute 12 million dollars annually to the economy.

Gungoren Municipality, Alt+Tab Software Incubation CenterWhile establishing the .

At the center where all applications will be received online, every three months, 7 people 16 teams will be accepted. The people who will take part in the team will be between the ages of 17-30. Young people who are accepted to the center with algorithmic evaluation will be able to prepare themselves for the sector by taking part in real projects.

It will only host the software industry

Applications to the center where registration can be made from all over Turkey will be received at the address. On Saturday, October 1, 2022, at 15.00, the online admission exam will be held. Successfully passing the test consisting of 10 questions 112 people will be admitted to the center.

Alt+Tab Software Incubation Center is one of the popular incubation centers as it will only include entrepreneurs from the software industry, unlike many incubation centers. complementary, not alternative aims to be

An indirect contribution of 55 million dollars is expected to the country’s economy

Gungoren incubation center

Accepted teams within 3 months Agile Project Management will develop its methodology. The technologies to be used in the projects that Team Leads will personally manage will be determined through consultations, taking into account the needs of the industry. Each team will have an experience as if they are developing a project in a real Startup by dividing the work within themselves.

The center, whose motto is “Build the 3rd millennium”, wants to emphasize that the current millennium can be built not by following technology, but by producing. 12 million dollars per year directly to the country’s economy, 55 million dollars It is aimed to make an indirect contribution.

software incubation center

Güngören Mayor Bünyamin Demir made a statement about the center, “We have a dynamic potential in Güngören, consisting of young people who are willing to create added value. In today’s world, the actors of the new generation economy will now be members of the software-technology sector. Their main motivation common good of humanity We think that it is an economic value in itself to bring these young people together and prepare them for the future. We expect our center, which we established to train strong individuals in the software industry, which is strategic for our country, to generate a value of approximately 12 million dollars every year.” used the phrases.

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