Alternative for Play Store from Russia: NashStore

After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia was exposed to a series of sanctions from other countries and the cyber world. But sanctions are not enough to stop the war. While Russia offers its own solutions to sanctions in some places, it has to experience its effects in others.

One of the sanctions against Russia was to suspend all of Google’s payments, including Play Store and YouTube subscriptions. Russian technology developers will also replace the Google Play Store with a new NashStore announced the store. So when will NashStore open and what are the details? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

The fate of the astronaut, which Russia threatened to leave in space, became clear

US astronaut Mark Vande Hei, who is claimed to be left in space by Russia, set off to return to Earth using a Russian spacecraft.

NashStore will open on Russia’s national holiday

Russian tech developers opened their NashStore store to celebrate Russia’s victory in WWII May 9 will be made available on NashStore literally means “” in English.OurStorewhich means ” in Turkish Our Store means.

NashStore will serve Android mobile devices and pay payments to Russia. Mir debit card will receive. The Mir debit card is the national payment system introduced by the Central Bank of Russia in 2017.

Russian digital platform project director Vladimir Zykov made the following statements about the store:

“Unfortunately, Russians can no longer use Google Play to buy apps normally, and developers have lost their revenue stream. That’s why we created the Russian app store NashStore.”

One of the sanctions that Russia was subjected to was the complete shutdown of the country’s access to Instagram. This sanction, which is one of the most popular applications, was closed once again after being opened for a while. Russia, as in the Play Store sanction, Rossgram He developed his own Instagram application under the name of.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? What do you think Russia’s policies in the face of sanctions? You can express your thoughts in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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