Altcoin Projects Flocked by Turks Announced: Here’s the List!

The crypto market is showing signs of recovery after a hard crash. The leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC), which fell to $ 33,000, managed to rise to the level of $ 44,000. But considering its all-time high of $69,000, which it reached on November 10 last year, it’s still down 36% from its peak. With this recovery, there was a sense of relief in altcoin projects, and investors began to explore altcoin projects. So, which altcoins are Turkish investors looking for the most? we have prepared for you.

Turkish crypto investors love these altcoin projects!

The fact that the balance of fear and greed in the crypto money markets shifted away from fear to the neutral zone shows that the risk appetite of crypto investors has started to increase again. According to Coinecko data, the list of most recently visited cryptocurrencies by investors is as follows:

In the ranking by country, the altcoin projects that crypto money investors in Turkey have shown the most interest in the last period are listed as follows:


Smooth Love Potion (SLP), an ERC-20 game token in the popular metaverse project Axie Infinity, is at the top of the list that Turkish investors are interested in, followed by the executive project of the Maye Musk Mystery Box, NFT, DeFi and GameFi tool in The USM Metaverse. Radio Caca (RACA) is following. In third place is the Shiba Inu (SHIB), the meme coin of the same name inspired by the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu.

Following SHIB is Pitbull (PIT), a self-perpetuating token that is dispossessed and issued to the community upon creation. The CEEK Smart VR Token (CEEK), which offers a way to directly reach and monetize their fan bases by unlocking new revenue streams for music artists and content creators, also seems to have attracted the attention of Turkish crypto investors by ranking 5th.

In the statement made by Coinecko, it is stated that these cryptocurrencies are among the most viewed altcoin projects by users in Turkey recently, and the list, which was updated on February 9, is ranked according to popularity.

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