Altcoin Partners With Chinese Telecommunications Giant: Price Jumps!

unknown altcoin Conflux Network (CFX) skyrocketed after signing a major partnership deal with a Chinese telecommunications giant.

The development team behind Conflux Network (CFX), thought to be the only regulatory-compliant blockchain in China, has announced a new partnership with China Telecom, one of the country’s largest telecommunications companies.

Conflux is a Web3-enabled layer-1 blockchain that aims to bridge the gap between Western and Asian markets. The partnership plans to develop a new SIM card known as BSIM that can be integrated with blockchain technology.

“The China Telecom Research Institute and Conflux have established that mobile phones are Web3 and metaverse attempted to create SIM card equipment based on the blockchain technology BSIM Card, which made possible the predictions that it will become the key to entering the industry. BSIM cards have a secure area to store blockchain private keys so our data assets will be stored and managed more securely.” As we have reported, the BSIM card will enable users to conveniently and securely access Web3 services such as payment platforms, metaverse and decentralized applications (DApps) using their mobile devices.

“In the near future, we will use the BSIM card to bridge the virtual and real worlds and perform various activities such as payments, gaming and social networking.”

Affiliate News Conflux priceand the token rose 72.7% from its 24-hour low of $0.055 to $0.095 in just a few hours.

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