Allegedly that the iOS 16 Update Discharges the Charge Faster

After the iOS 16 update, iPhone users stated that their smartphones are draining faster. We asked Webtekno followers about this situation. So, can the new update really drain your battery faster? What should you do if your battery is draining fast? Let’s have a look.

After almost every iOS update from Apple Apple users We bring some problems to the agenda, and we witness that these problems are solved as much as possible with the subsequent patches and updates. It looks like this year will be no different.

The popular problem in iOS 16 of iOS updates, which has been on the agenda with problems such as slowdown and deterioration of fluency in the past, is that it causes the battery to run out quickly. Many users are complaining about this problem. To our followers on Twitter On devices using iOS 16 We asked if they had seen such a problem.

The question is clear: Does your iOS 16 device charge faster?

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