All Negativities Together! Can This Altcoin Save Them?

Cardano (ADA), a popular cryptocurrency altcoin, is facing significant challenges. Because the vast majority of addresses are currently in a losing position. In addition, significant difficulties are experienced due to the decrease in transaction volume. In this post, we examine key in-chain metrics that shed light on Cardano’s current state and sentiment among its owners.

Almost 90% of Altcoin Cardano addresses are at loss

Recent data reveals that around 90% of Cardano addresses are lost. Only a small fraction of addresses, about 7.11%, are currently able to sell at profit. In addition, about 3.1% of addresses are able to sell without any profit or loss. This represents a significant increase over the previous figure, corresponding to around 80% of addresses in the loss zone. On the other hand, it shows that the number of losing addresses has increased.

Cardano trading volume dropped sharply

Alongside the loss suffered by Cardano holders, ADA’s trading volume also witnessed a significant drop. After a period of rapid growth, trading volume has declined, reflecting the decline in trading activity on the Cardano network.

The number of large investors continues to fall

The number of large investors holding substantial altcoin ADA on Cardano is dwindling. Recent data reveals that the number has decreased by two addresses in just a few weeks. Currently, about 22.35% of the ADA supply is held by 140 major investors. On the other hand, 9.4% is concentrated in the addresses of the three big whales. The remaining approximately 68% is dispersed among small investors.


The total number of altcoin ADA addresses is growing

Despite the challenging market conditions, the total number of altcoin Cardano addresses continues to increase. Accordingly, over the past 30 days, the average number of altcoin Cardano addresses with ADA balances has reached approximately 4.4 million. This upward trend indicates continued interest and adoption for Cardano within the crypto community.

Telegram sentiment reflects growing negativity

Sentiment towards altcoin Cardano on Telegram, a popular messaging platform, is currently trending towards the negative. Accordingly, in the last seven days, 138 negative messages were received compared to 199 positive days. Also, the number of Telegram users or members in the altcoin Cardano group has been declining in recent weeks.

altcoin On the face of it, altcoin Cardano is facing a tough time with a significant percentage of addresses in red and a notable drop in transaction volume. Despite these challenges, the total number of ADA addresses continues to grow. On the other hand, this shows that the interest in crypto money continues. It’s important to monitor key metrics on the chain. Because it provides valuable insight into the market sentiment surrounding altcoin Cardano.

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