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Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) is campaigning for an “energy base” at a fixed price for private households. “The state could guarantee private households a certain amount of energy at a certain, affordable price,” he told the German Press Agency. That would create security for citizens who would not know how to pay bills.

Weil pointed out that nine EU countries have now opted for energy price caps in one way or another. “There is much to suggest that we are also dealing with this issue very intensively in Germany,” he said. “The alternative would be countless aid programs that all have to be managed, but usually only take effect when people or companies are already in need.”

The traffic light coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP had already agreed on an electricity price brake. According to this, private households are to receive the amount of electricity for basic consumption at a reduced price – as are small and medium-sized companies. The price brake is to be financed with income from a revenue cap for energy companies. A commission is now to develop price dampening models for heat and present the results in October.

Weil emphasized that the coalition’s relief package, which had just been decided, with a volume of 65 billion euros, could not be the last step. Now it’s still about help for companies that are in distress, he said. You have to try “to become active at the beginning of the chain and to cap the energy prices so much that many problems don’t even arise”.

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