Alibaba joined the artificial intelligence race!

Alibaba, the popular company of recent times, broke the record for the largest investment made for a Chinese startup last week. The company, which allocated a budget of exactly 1 billion dollars for Moonshot AI, plans to become a strong competitor for Silicon Valley companies that focus on artificial intelligence, especially Microsoft.

It is said that Alibaba management, which is said to be very impressed by the success of OpenAI’s chat robot ChatGPT, will undertake bold projects as long as it receives support from the Chinese government. Here are all the details…

Alibaba may be assertive in the field of artificial intelligence

Founded in March 2023, Moonshot AI attracted the attention of Chinese investors with its revolutionary artificial intelligence technologies. The share value of the company, which also launched the chat assistant named Kimi, continues to increase day by day.

What move will Alibaba make in the field of artificial intelligence in the future?

The company’s executives refrained from making any statements about the giant Alibaba investment. It is said that the reason for this is the restrictions imposed by the Chinese government on information sharing due to spying concerns in the field of artificial intelligence.

Nvidia's chips cannot be shared!

Nvidia’s chips cannot be shared!

Nvidia, one of the most talked about companies of recent times, is experiencing difficulties due to the increase in demand for its chips. Here are the details…

Alibaba, which has had a hard time after being subjected to major investigations by the Chinese administration in the last few years, wants to catch up with the artificial intelligence trend to shake off its dead soil. However, it does not seem easy for the company to achieve the success it desires in an area where competition is so tough.

In addition, the embargoes imposed by America on Chinese companies are another factor that weakens Alibaba’s hand. The American government recently restricted the sale of Nvidia’s artificial intelligence chips to Chinese companies.

So what do you think about this issue? Do you think Alibaba’s strategy is correct? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.

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