Ak Parti will hold a meeting in Metaverse!

In the past days, Deputy Chairman of the Deva Party, Burak Dalgın, announced that the party stepped into the Metaverse world and that they moved the party’s headquarters to Metaverse.

After the Deva Party, Ak Parti announced that it entered the world of Metaverse.

Ak Party Deputy Chairman and Head of Information and Communication Technologies Ömer Ileri announced that the unit meeting to be held in January 2022 will be held in Metaverse.

Information and Communication Technologies President Ömer Ileri made the following statements in his statement:

“Metaverse platforms, which will rise on virtual reality, augmented reality and blockchain technologies, have started to come to the forefront as digital channels that have the potential to transform our daily lives and business sectors in the near future.

As the AK Party, we continue to work on both internalizing and using this technology and the regulation of these channels. We carry the works and services that have been brought to our country in 19 years during the AK Party governments to the Metaverse world.”

Expressing that the party is very interested in the virtual reality world in his statement, Chairman Ömer İleri also explained what steps the AK Party will take regarding Metaverse:

“At the AK Party Information and Liaison Technologies Extended Provincial Leaders Training and Consultation Meeting, we presented the first examples of the works and services we brought to the Metaverse world to the experience of the participants.

At the AK Party MKYK meeting, which we held on December 29, 2021 under the chairmanship of our General Leader and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, we presented some more Metaverse demos of Turkey’s vision investments.

Along with all this, we will hold our January 2022 unit meeting in the Metaverse world, and we will sign a new element in Turkey. As the AK Party Information and Liaison Technologies Presidency, we will increase the Metaverse studies and spread these studies throughout the country with our 81 Provincial Organizations.

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