Airbnb Might Add Cryptocurrencies to Payment Options

Cryptocurrencies, which are currently widely used as investment vehicles, may also be widely used to pay accommodation fees through Airbnb in the near future.

Airbnb’s CEO, Brian Chesky, shared with his followers on his social media account this week, “If Airbnb could launch any project in 2022, what would it be?” question directed.

Among the thousands of answers to Chesky’s question, Airbnb’s most preferred one by the followers. Adding cryptocurrencies to payment options it happened.

Airbnb CEO stated that followers’ demand for cryptocurrencies is not limited to payment transactions, and It also covers more different ideas about digital tokens. stated.

After Chesky prepared a seven-item list, including cryptocurrencies, in line with the responses from the followers, “We’re already working on most of them, now we’ll look into the others!” made a statement.

The CEO of Airbnb opened up about the cryptocurrency industry as a company during a podcast he attended in mid-November. “Long time following” specifying, “Similar to the revolution in travel, a revolution is taking place in crypto. Both Airbnb and crypto [kavramıyla] They have an interesting relationship.” had used the words.

Brian Armstrong, the founder of Coinbase, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world today, served on the Airbnb team in the past. Chesky, regarding Armstrong’s founding of Coinbase, “I am really proud of what he has done” he said.

Airbnb, with more than 150 million users, in the third quarter of 2021 2.2 billion dollars earned income and your best period had lived. The company has been in total since 2013. 336 billion dollars transaction volume.

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