ADA Comments from Cardano Founder: Incredible Growth!

Charles Hoskinson of IOHK describes the Cardano 2022 roadmap declaration. The creator of Cardano (ADA) was captivated by the growth his platform has achieved. As we previously reported, Charles Hoskinson, co-founder and CEO of Input Output Global (IOG), the team behind Cardano’s blockchain solutions, explains what to expect from the next roadmap.

Statements from Cardano founder: “The technology is incredible”

Charles Hoskinson took to Twitter to share his expectations and impressions of Cardano’s next roadmap, designed to encompass the platform’s prospects for 2022.

According to him, Cardano (ADA) has achieved tremendous growth in terms of ecosystem building: its “living” ecosystem is getting stronger. Mr Hoskinson adds that all projects interested in developing Cardano’s smart contracts should expect many major innovations for their mechanisms as Cardano’s technology is “incredible”. This statement was met with criticism by Ethereum (ETH) maximalists. In particular, they remembered the narrative about the opportunity of Cardano’s UTXO model to process only one transaction per block. The year 2022 will be a special year for Cardano: the first year that the platform will approach with fully active smart contracts functionality. As we previously covered as, Cardano (ADA) became a programmable blockchain in August after Alonzo hardfork’s mainnet implementation. This release was the most important release for Cardano (ADA) in 2021. Also, on March 31, 2021, Cardano (ADA) management switched to staking pools. In 2020, the protocol enabled the much-anticipated staking for its core native asset, ADA.

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