According to science, what should we do to prevent us from falling asleep?

There are many scientific ways to prevent insomnia, which is a common problem for all of us in our daily lives. Insomnia greatly affects our efficiency, energy and productivity in daily life. In this article, we have compiled scientific information that is advisory to solve the insomnia problem we experience in our daily lives.

Today insomnia, and various sleep problems have become a very important problem. There are many problems that trigger this problem, which is especially common among young people, these are; such as computer, phone in electronic devices spending a lot of time, not being able to sleep regularly and of course not enough unable to sleep can be exemplified.

Sometimes it can be considered quite normal to suddenly lose sleep when there is no problem. In general, people who have factors such as anxiety and stress in their daily life begin to think as soon as they put their heads on the pillow at night and may lose their sleep.

Of course, there are many effective methods that science offers us to eliminate this problem. In this article insomnia We will focus on the problem and talk about how we can prevent it scientifically.

What is the insomnia problem that ruins our daily life?

Insomnia, It is known as a problem that we can call lack of energy, which affects our productivity during the day due to various reasons and not getting enough sleep.

Especially youth Although it is common among people, it is known that 1 out of 3 people in our country is faced with this problem.

Some factors that cause insomnia:

  • not getting enough sleep
  • fidgeting on the phone in bed
  • Disruption of the biological clock
  • stress, anxieties, overthinking
  • Depression
  • Noise, light and extreme heat

We all face these problems in our daily life. insomnia we shoot. Even if we encounter these problems, we can prevent low energy in daily life. our efficiency There are many scientific methods that we can increase.

Scientific methods that can be used to prevent insomnia that is frequently encountered during the day:

  • Efficient, adequate and uninterrupted sleep
  • Sunlight and fresh air
  • To exercise
  • Afternoon sleep
  • cool environment
  • Correct caffeine consumption
  • snack foods

Efficient, adequate and uninterrupted sleep

Although an efficient and good sleep varies from person to person, the most efficient sleep is a deep sleep of 7 or 8 hours. while you sleep darkIt is known that being in a dark and noiseless environment will greatly increase the quality of your sleep.

In addition, while you sleep, distracting and blue light The absence of any device that emits radiation will also help you fall asleep quickly without losing your sleep.

Sunlight and fresh air

If you work in a closed environment and suffer from insomnia, the first thing we recommend you do is open your window. sunlight may receive. Because from the sunlight you will get Vitamin D It is possible to increase your productivity by being more energetic with oxygen coming from fresh air and fresh air.

In addition, experts say that people need 15 minutes of each day. sunlight He recommends getting it. This can be seen as an important factor not only for your sleep but also for your health.

To exercise

Exercise It is a fact that exercise releases endorphins in the body. It is known that people who lead active lives are happier than people who are sedentary and inactive. Exercising is very beneficial not only for this condition, but also for your sleep condition. Half an hour of walking in the open air or 1-2 hours in the gym will increase your productivity during the day by opening your sleep.

Also, getting your body into physical activity helps you fall asleep more comfortably at night. Regular sportIt also encourages you to sleep earlier by encouraging a regular day.

Afternoon sleep

noon nap

According to research, it is known that 2 hours of sleep at noon is 3 times more effective than nighttime sleep. At the same time your noon nap It can be said that it is in a very important position for human health.

Even an adult nap for 15-20 minutes at noon shows great benefits. productive you can be.

cool environment

air conditioning

Yes, as long as the room temperature is between 20 and 24 degrees, besides being healthy, it is also healthy. sleep level and it plays a big role in vigilance. While sleeping, 20 degrees is known as the best temperature level according to experts.

Correct caffeine consumption

Caffeine, Today, it is known as the biggest enemy of insomnia and low energy. However, caffeine consumption, sensitivity to caffeine, frequency of consumption, body weight or to physical activity varies by.

Caffeine, which you will consume in large quantities, can cause very serious health problems, so it is always useful to be careful when consuming. Also, let’s not forget that caffeine is an addictive substance.

snack foods

Although they are harmful to our health snack foodsIt can be used as a quick energy source due to the sugar it contains. Very rarely, in cases where blood sugar drops or you feel really sluggish, a pack from chocolate It can be said that no harm will be done.

What should we do if we can’t sleep?

It is known that staying awake for more than 20 minutes in bed makes it very difficult to sleep. Asleep If we cannot fall asleep, it will be more appropriate to get up and deal with something else for 10-15 minutes.

Besides, in bed telephone If it becomes a habit to use it, a sleepless night can wait for us. As far as possible, we can remove distractions from our environment and just go to sleep. we must focus.

As for the importance of sleep

If we compare sleep to something, we fill our cars. gasoline We can give an example. The more efficiently we sleep, the higher our performance in daily life will be. Sleep stress, reduce fatigue blood pressure Thus, our cardiovascular systems start to work more properly.

If properly if we don’t sleep We can catch a variety of irreversible diseases. In addition, we may suffer from many temporary ailments such as fatigue, distraction, dizziness, feeling unhappy, and inefficient work throughout the day. For this reason, the 8 hours of sleep we will get makes us a more productive and healthy person in the remaining 16 hours.

It is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist in serious insomnia problems.

Although the information we provide is scientific, a specialist should definitely be consulted in case of serious problems. Because sleep disorderscan cause irreversible health problems in your body. sleep Although we have given many substances to spend, we can say that the biggest enemy of insomnia is sleeping.


No More Tired Wakes: 7 Ways to Get Better Sleep

We do many physical activities during the day and of course we get tired, our tiredness Although there are temporary measures for our sleep and sleep, the most beneficial solution is known as regular and efficient sleep.

For this reason, the best we can give recommendation You will get 6-8 hours of sleep every day. The sleep we will take in this hour will make a great contribution to us being a more efficient and productive person in our daily life. To all of you healthy And we wish you energetic days.

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