A Weird Pig-Face Shark Has Been Caught

In the Mediterranean, fishermen found a shark-like species of shark. It was determined that the interesting fish detected on the Italian island of Elba was the shark named “Oxynotus centrina”, known as porpoise in some ports.

On the Italian island of Elba, Mediterranean fishermen fish a shark with its fins and a boar with its face. marine species they discovered. Because of its flat head, wide eyes, and pinkish nose porpoise is called. At most, when it comes out of the water pig-like grunts It is known by this name because of its extraction.

Yuri Tiberto of the Elba Aquarium said of the discovered fish, “This fish is often called the ‘porkfish’ because it starts grumbling when it comes out of the water.” he said. As the fishing net announces the discovery of said fish, while the shark is dragged through the water before being pulled to the pier, dead stated there was. International Union for Conservation of Nature, “The reason why Mediterranean people are surprised to see these sharks is that the shark population has been on the decline for years. to be” said. This species is on the red list of threatened species. “vulnerable” classified as.

Mediterranean is home to interesting sharks

Last year, scientists found a skinless and toothless shark species in the Mediterranean again. Latin name Galeus melastomus This species is also known as spotted catfish. It mainly feeds on invertebrates, cephalopods and small bony fish. Caught at a depth of 500 meters off Cape Carbonara, this species reaches a length of 302 millimeters and a mass of 82.7 grams.

Source :
https://www.indyturk.com/node/413426/bi%CC%87li%CC%87m/akdeniz-domuz-gibi-homurdanan-yass%C4%B1-kafal%C4%B1-k%C3%B6pekbal% C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1-found

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