A Security System Will Be Established at Hospital Entrances

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca made statements after the increase in violence against healthcare workers. Koca stated that a security system will be established at the hospital entrances against these events, which have increased and received great reaction recently.

Health workers in Turkey have been working on many different issues, especially violence, lately. strike was deciding to do it. After the murder of a doctor working in Konya last week, it was decided to leave work for 2 days. The event, which is on Turkey’s agenda, has a great reaction on social media, as we have shared with you. had created.

While the violence against healthcare workers continued, it was a matter of curiosity what new measures the authorities would take. Now is from the Ministry of Health clarification on the subject. Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the application they will pass to prevent violence.

Security system will be installed at hospital entrances

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