A New Eye Drop Has Been Developed For Those Who Cannot See Near Clearly

Today, many of us are addicted to optical glasses due to age and devices such as computers and phones that are never missing from our hands. However, the newly developed eye drops named Vuity, which has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, offers a new solution for people who have trouble seeing near.

A newly approved drug, released Thursday, is a condition that mostly affects people aged 40 and over. blurred near vision It promises to change the lives of millions of people with

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October vuity The eye drops seem to replace optical glasses for people who have trouble seeing up close. According to the company that developed the drug, the new drug takes about 15 minutes to take effect and is one drop in each eye. up to 6 to 10 hours Provides sharper vision.

Vuity is not a permanent solution

vuity, presbyopia It made history as the first FDA-approved eye drops to treat age-related blurred near vision. The trial’s principal investigator, Dr. George Waring “Reducing the pupil size widens the depth of field or depth of focus, allowing you to naturally focus on different ranges” saying the prescription drug, your eye reduce pupil size He stated that he used his natural talent for Toni Wright, one of the 750 people who participated in the clinical tests, was extremely pleased with the results in an interview with CBS News. pleased He noted that this was a ‘life-changing’ development. Stating that he is in denial because he sees blurred vision as a sign of aging, Wright stated that he can see clearly for a while thanks to the new eye drops.

A Vuity spokesperson said the 30-day supply of the drug is about 80 dollars, that is, it will cost approximately 1110 TL and best 40 to 55 years old while recording that it works for people between; Doctors who spoke to CBS News about the drug not currently covered by insurance said that insurance covers the drug, as glasses are a cheaper alternative and the drug is not “medically necessary.” not very likely stated. In addition, the developer company stated that the side effects detected during the three-month trial period were complaints such as headache and eye redness; However, he also stated that some people using the drug may have difficulty adjusting the focus between near and far objects.


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Underlining that Vuity does not offer a permanent solution in any way, the company states that the drops will be removed while driving at night or performing activities in low light conditions. not using also noted that it is necessary. The effect of the drop, which is effective on mild and moderate cases, is observed in individuals aged 65 and over, where the eyes begin to age well. less effective was also stated.

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