A New Era Has Begun in Compulsory Traffic Insurance

“Insurance Intermediaries Offer Platform” application was implemented in the compulsory traffic insurance application. In this way, it will be easier for drivers in the risk group to obtain compulsory traffic insurance.

There has been a new development regarding the compulsory traffic insurance system, which has been implemented in Turkey for a long time. “Insurance Intermediaries Offer Platform” has been put into effect as of today. Thus, drivers in the risk group will be able to benefit from insurance processes. there will be recovery. Individuals will access policy offers and complete the process within minutes.

Insurance companies are reluctant to give policies to drivers in risky groups. they were refusing. As such, grievances were experienced, and the compulsory traffic insurance could not be provided. Here is the Insurance Intermediaries Offer Platform, to prevent will provide.

It will be easier to identify companies that do not bid

Under normal circumstances, an insurance company must make an offer to everyone who wants to receive service. However, as we have just mentioned, some companies offer offers to drivers in the risky group. they didn’t want. With the Insurance Intermediaries Offer Platform system, it will also be easier to identify companies that violate the procedure. Such companies “refraining from issuing a policyThey will be examined within the scope of “.


Discounted Payment Period for Traffic Fines Has Been Increased (You Still Prefer to Follow the Rules)

Policy offers will be received in two stages with the Insurance Intermediaries Offer Platform. Agencies, in the first stage having an agreement They will receive offers from insurance companies. This process will be completed in 10 minutes. If there is no agreement, the second stage will proceed. Here too, there will be a 10-minute process. An agency registers to the platform in the second stage. from any company will receive an offer. Practices such as submitting a letter of guarantee or surety insurance will not be valid for the Insurance Intermediaries Offering Platform.

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