A Look At The Upcoming Metaverse Project!

cryptocoin.com As we reported, the Shiba Inu (SHIB) ecosystem is growing and many investors’ eyes are on the upcoming metaverse project Rocket Pond. However, with the recently announced Rocket Pond project, experts focused on the Shiba Inu! Here are the details…

Experts focused on the upcoming SHIB Metaverse project!

The Shiba Inu metaverse project is about to unveil the completed design of its newest hub, which will be called Rocket Pond. The Shiba Inu team has announced some future plans for a metaverse world in the coming days, including the appearance of Rocket Pond and a tournament where players can earn land.

Rocket Pond is one of the 11 centers that make up Shiba Inu’s metaverse project. According to reports, the Shiba team first shared a black and white sketch of the Rocket Pond complex on September 13, 2022. Three days later, a colorful render of the hub was released to give users an idea of ​​what the metaverse will look like when it debuts. Dubbed “SHIB: The Metaverse,” the project aims to increase the utility of the Shiba Inu environment. SHIB developers announced in an update on Monday that it is scheduled to launch in December of this year. In a blog post, the SHIB team explained that Rocket Pond was designed to both tell the story of the Shiba Inu through visuals and evoke the feeling of a remote “secluded resort in the mountains.”

However, it is stated that the design of the Center was inspired by various American resorts such as Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park and Lake Tahoe.

Approximately 100,595 plots will be created by users for the Shiba Inu Metaverse project. Land owners will be able to collect materials for the game and earn rewards with the help of their land. A financial reward method is also being worked out, and the developers want to make sure each participant has their own workspace for construction and management.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) price action

The popular memecoin SHIB has caught the attention of many investors with its recent announcements. These announcements were very important for investors who had been waiting for a rise for a long time. In the last 24 hours, the popular memecoin Shiba Inu has fallen by 1.1 percent and is momentarily trading at $ 0.00001026. In the last week, the popular memecoin has lost 2.5% in value. The market value of the project instantly exceeds 6 billion dollars.

So, what is the Metaverse?

The term “Metaverse” refers to a virtual environment where users can engage in fully immersive and interconnected interactions with other users and digital assets. It functions like a sizable virtual reality space that anyone with the necessary technology can access online.

Avatars are used in this virtual environment for a wide variety of purposes, including but not limited to playing games, socializing, shopping and even working. According to experts, Metaverse has the potential to radically change the way people communicate and interact with online materials in the future of the internet.

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