A Lion At The Zoo Ate Its Newborn Cub

A male lion in captivity at a Mexican zoo ate its newborn cub. An investigation has been launched into the incident, which took place in front of people. While eating puppies is a common occurrence in animals, the main issue here was the negligent attitude of the authorities.

A mind-blowing incident took place in the Mexican state of Hidalgo. A lion in the zoo named Tuzoofari, ate her newborn baby in front of people. The incident, which happened due to the negligence of the zoo officials, caused reactions. Upon the incident investigation started.

Statements on the subject, the President of the Invictus Foundation, which continues its studies on lions. Erica Ortigoza Vasquez It was done by. Vasquez, who said that it is known that the mother with the born baby should be separated from the father for a while, said, commercial concerned explained that the zoo bypassed this rule and that the sad event took place for this reason.

Investigation started

Erica Ortigoza Vasquez told the Mexican Federal Environmental Protection Prosecutor’s Office, saying that they will not let go of this incident due to negligence. that they have complained explained. Authorities announced that an investigation was launched.


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As a matter of fact, the situation in Mexico is in line with the normal flow of life. Because a baby born is a baby for his father in the future. poses a risk. This can cause animals to eat their young. However, the fault of the authorities in the incident in Mexico is too much. Such a situation would not have happened if the zoo management had not exhibited the cub and tried to attract more visitors. unheard of would be

Those moments when the father lion eats his cub [18+]

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