A Hacker Bypassed ChatGPT’s Protections and Created a “Free” Version

A hacker bypassed ChatGPT’s protections and created a “free” GPT that does whatever you want. The model called GODMODE GPT was quickly removed by OpenAI due to policy violation.

Although ChatGPT amazes the world with what it can do, it has some limitations. Its developer, OpenAI, has made certain changes in the model to make the chat bot more secure. bodyguards uses. This ensures that not every desired request is fulfilled.

However, a post made by a hacker yesterday revealed that the chat bot was jailbroken. Self-described as a white hatPliny the PrompterA person named ” announced yesterday from his account X that he had created a jailbroken version of ChatGPT called “GODMODE GPT”.

Hacker said he liberated ChatGPT with this version

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