A First: Apple’s Store Employees Unionized

Employees of an Apple store in Maryland, USA, voted to unionize. With 65 ‘yes’, 33 ‘no’ votes, the store staff became the company’s first unionized retail employees.

one of the largest companies in the world Apple’s Employees in retail stores in the US have been seeking better wages and conditions for some time now. to unionize was working. In the past months, it has been stated that a store in the city of Atlanta will vote for unionization and will be the first in this regard. However, this request was later withdrawn on allegations that Apple’s violations prevented a fair vote.

Now, there has been a very important development in this regard. your country Maryland Employees of an Apple store in Towson county in the state voted as part of the struggle to unionize and went down in history.

Employees of a Maryland store voted to unionize

According to the news, among the employees of the stores where there are 110 people eligible to vote. 65 of them The union voted ‘yes’ and 35 voted ‘no’ for the union. This made them the first unionized personnel of the company, making history. In the statements, those working with this vote better conditions and wages expressed hope to achieve.

This historic victory is more than unionizing Apple’s retail employees. deter came after his efforts. Deirde O’Brien, one of the executives of the giant company, sent a video to 58,000 staff last month on the drawbacks of unionisation. O’Brien stated that if such a thing happens, the existence of a union between Apple and employees will change the stores.


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It was reported that the employees who managed to become the first unionized Apple store in the country will do this through the International Association of Machinists and Aviation Workers (IAM) and will call themselves Organized Retail Employees (CORE). It was also stated in the incoming statement that the votes must be approved by the National Labor Affairs Board (NLRB) before talks with Apple on the subject can begin.

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