A Christmas Animation and a Little Game by Google

Creating various animations and games for special days every year, Google also created an animation and a game for New Year’s Eve. When you search for ‘Christmas’ on Google, you can control the voices of the characters who are opera singers in the published mini-game, while the confetti explodes.

The year 2021, which we spent with good and bad, is now coming to an end. On Friday, December 31, the whole world, new year to meet 2022 it is up to pleasure to attend various events, get together with friends and family, or spend New Year’s Eve like an ordinary day. While preparing to enter the new year, streets, houses and all kinds of gathering places are decorated with Christmas decorations, while digital decorations continue.

Doodle for each special event or create custom animations on the search results page Google became a name that participated in the new year celebrations. As almost every year, Google announced the new year in the search results of some keywords this year. custom animation started playing.

Google is popping confetti for the new year:

Google ‘new year’, ‘new year’s day’, ‘new year’s eve’, ‘new year’s day’ and various new year’s related languages when you search for similar keywordsConfetti particles are starting to come down from the top of the search results page. In addition, when you click on the confetti icon in the box on the right, you can explode the confetti with a very funny sound.

Just click here to try the animations yourself.

There is one more surprise:


In addition, Google recently Blob Opera He also published a little game called. In this game, which uses machine learning, we click and drag our opera characters, who sound in four different tones, to make them sound high or low, high or low. You can watch the gameplay of the game from the video above, you can click this link to play the game yourself.

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