A Child Behind the Group That Hacked Giant Companies

A 16-year-old boy came out from behind the group called Lapus$, which recently carried out cyber attacks on companies such as Nvidia, Microsoft, Samsung, Vodafone. In the news, it was stated that this young man reached a fortune of 14 million dollars as a result of different cyber attacks.

The increasing prevalence of the Internet brings many conveniences to our lives and allows us to do what we want from where we sit. However, the fact that our data is in digital media is also cyber attacks It can create frightening situations.

These attacks have increased in the last few weeks. As we conveyed to you Lapus$ A hacker group named tech giants had targeted tech giants, causing many data to be compromised. These attackers; It attacked technology companies such as Nvidia, Samsung and Microsoft. Also, another piece of news claimed that the group had stolen the data of telecommunications giant Vodafone as well. In other words, this group, whose identity is unknown, had carried out quite a few attacks. Now, there has been an important development about these attackers.

A 16-year-old youth came out from behind the group.

According to the BBC, new information has been obtained regarding the Lapus$ hacker group, the London Police in the United Kingdom. incoming news, 16 years old a young man identified as One of the names behind the Lapus$ group proved guilty. Law enforcement officials stated in their statement that seven youths related to the gang were arrested; however, he did not disclose whether the 16-year-old suspect was among those arrested.

The boy’s father, whose name has not been released for legal reasons, also told the BBC that he was worried about his son and was trying to keep him away from computers. In addition to this, the youth, who is also recorded as having autism, can be seen in online environments.white’ and ‘Breachbase’ It was stated that he used pseudonyms and managed to become a millionaire as a result of cyber attacks.

London Police has recently confirmed that 7 youths have been arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the gang. 16 to 21 He stated that he was between the ages of 10 and all of them were released under investigation. It was also stated in the statements that the investigations on cyber attacks will continue.

Earned $14 million from cyber attacks

The suspect’s father stated in his statements that he thought his son was always playing computer, and that until recently, he was related to cyber attacks. you know nothing stated that he was not. The BBC also reported that as a result of a disagreement with the teenager’s ‘business partners’ rival hackers disclosed by.

In addition, these hackers; It was also among the news that the young person shared his name, address and social media photos. In a leaked biography, which contains information about the suspect’s cyber-attacks, it is stated that the young man was killed as a result of the attacks. 300 Bitcoins (BTC); i.e. a fortune of approximately 14 million dollars It was noted that he managed to reach and was involved in the Lapus$ gang.

Finally, the hacker nicknamed ‘White’ for the past year It was added to the statements that he was followed by cyber security experts and was involved in other cyber attacks besides Lapus$-related events.


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