Alec Baldwin shoots camerawoman on set: was SHARP ammunition used? *** BILDplus content *** – people

Alec Baldwin shoots camerawoman on the film set

How can a fatal shot be released from a film gun?

The questions and answers to the tragedy +++ expert raises serious allegations

Photo: Jim Weber / The New Mexican

It’s an incredible tragedy.

Hollywood star Alec Baldwin shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins († 42) on the film set. A terrible accident that happened with a movie gun.

The police investigation is ongoing and filming has stopped immediately. Much of the case is still unclear. The whole world is wondering above all: HOW could this accident happen?

At BILD, explosives master and pyrotechnics expert Sven Schrader comments. He also explains what special weapons are usually used on the film set.

Was it even shot with a sharp weapon? Schrader raises serious allegations, speaks of “sloppy work”. Read the open questions and answers here.

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