9 Things That CS 1.6 Players Can’t Forget

We are sure that each of us has played CS 1.6 at least once. Others are CS 1.6 players who are qualified enough to dominate the game’s finest details, not just once. Today, we’ve listed some details that true CS 1.6 gourmets in particular will remember. Take your napkins with you and gently slide them down to wipe your tears.

We are sure that we all CS 1.6 with a memory. Some of us have played in jailbreak mode for hours, and some of us have played in an internet cafe with their friends every time the report card is released. Although there are games with very realistic graphics and dynamics today, we are sure that every gamer has a love of CS 1.6 in a corner of his heart. Actually, this is not a CS 1.6 specific situation. This is valid for games such as Metin2 or Knight Online that we played at the time. But we can’t pass without saying that the report card day we had with our friends in an internet cafe. of the CS tournament The taste was different.

CS 1.6 had different game modes. If you wish, you could fight with the players normally, rebel and have fun with the jailbreak mode, and compete with the zombie mode. Of course, servers with special bunny mods were indispensable for speed lovers. In short, CS 1.6 was not only a war game, but also had dozens of modes that you could play on private servers. Maybe it was his awesome game modes that made him popular until now. If you wish, without further ado, for a period CS 1.6 Let’s look at a few details that you will definitely remember if you played.

9 details we remember from CS 1.6:

  • Legend of legends: Jailbreak mode
  • Only for those who know how to make real plans: Assault
  • Favorite mode of those who can’t play CS:GO: Kill a man, earn skins
  • Write bro: connect 213.238…”: Server IP addresses that are never forgotten
  • It is not clear who will come from where: fy_iceworld
  • PUBG mods made in China
  • The map with the best quality view of the game: Italy
  • Sometimes the hostages we shoot in the head instead of rescuing
  • Awesome internet cafe tournaments

Legend of legends: Jailbreak mode

The plan is simple and easy. Get a redbull, make a bunny, enter the command room and start the mutiny. If you get caught by the commando, get well soon. But of course, if you wish, don’t take the word of the commander and be the winner of the game. jailbreak, perhaps one of the best CS mods ever. Rebellion tactics specific to different maps, dozens of different game rooms and much more were gathered in only one mode. We are sure that most of us have rebelled hundreds of times by learning rebellion tactics from Natron Abi.

Only for those who know how to make real plans: Assault


One of the best and most familiar maps in CS history. Assault we can say. If you constantly Dust2 If you are tired of playing and going from the same places, this is the map for you. It was possible to raid the opposing team’s area by arranging plans from the tunnel, the roof or different doors if you wanted. But if you are an AWP master, there were 3 different roofs you could be positioned on. True CS gourmets know how much fun this map gives.

Favorite mode of those who can’t play CS:GO: Kill a man, earn skins

CS 1.6 skin mod

CS:GO Although it is now freely available, we had quite a few student friends who could not get it when it was 24 Turkish Liras. For them, some CS 1.6 server owners were creating servers where they could experience 1-1 the same CS:GO skins. The more men you kill, the more in-server money you have and you could have one of the CS:GO skins. Some weapons even had shots that were close to CS: GO dynamics.

“Type bro: connect 213.238…”: Server IP addresses that are never forgotten

cs 1.6 console

Everyone who plays CS 1.6 has servers that they enjoy playing. They even know the IP addresses of these servers by heart. only real CS 1.6 Fans know that CSDestination servers start at 213 and Gamemanager servers start at 95. We’re sure some still remember the IP address of their favorite server.

It is not clear who will come from where: fy_iceworld


Let’s come to the map that the chaos and action lovers love the most. Around and between 4 boxes CT with T While trying to kill each other, players who know how to play real sound have always been victorious on this map. Some map designers even made the upper parts of the map available for use by placing ladders in the boxes on these maps. But, of course, the most difficult and most enjoyable was the completely plain version of this map.

PUBG mods made in China

pubg mode

PUBGAt the time when . was most common, there was a very simple solution for players who did not uninstall PUBG on their computer. Experiencing PUBG mode in CS 1.6. Just like in PUBG, you fall on an island and you start to fight with other players as a team or solo if you want. You can only pick up the weapons you find on the ground and the weapons of the person you killed.

The map with the best quality view of the game: Italy


We are sure that when you played this map for the first time, you were quite confused. Because the different paths to points A and B have become hell, especially for players who constantly play Dust2. It is not clear where you are going from, you are constantly going, but you are going to the same place… Even when we think about it, we get confused again. But we can’t deny it, we all had a great time squeezing those cocks.

Sometimes the hostages we shoot in the head instead of rescuing


Especially if you played the Assault map often, the Terrorist team’s arena hostages You know you have to save. When you successfully take these hostages to the CT region, you complete the mission. But of course, on the way back, you must not lose the hostages to the T team. Being able to successfully bring back the event hostages. But of course, there were times when we couldn’t stand it and killed the hostages.

Awesome internet cafe tournaments

internet cafe cs tournament

Yes, let’s get to the awesome internet cafe tournaments. Internet cafe has always been your favorite place for your friends, especially on report card days. Especially in internet cafes, which is our favorite place in middle school and high school ages. CS 1.6 It felt pretty fun to play. We’re sure you remember when you were competing with your friends to see who was better.

We have brought together a few details that players who play CS 1.6 will definitely remember for you. Awesome as you remember CS 1.6 memories Don’t forget to share with us!

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