8 Misunderstood Facts About Tranquilizer Pills

Due to the difficult life conditions we are in for everyone and the different problems that people experience, some misconceptions about the use of antidepressants and tranquilizers have begun to be heard both on the internet and from ear to ear. By knowing the truth of these points, you can eliminate unfounded fears.

First of all, it should be noted that even if it is offered to users as herbal, without the advice of an expert trained on this subject; definitely an antidepressant, so sedative pill you should not use Results of psychotherapy sessions performed by experts some people use sedatives seems appropriate. However, even with the advice of an expert, people are hesitant to use such drugs due to the rumors circulating.

sedative pill Its use is one of the issues that always worries people. So if you are having a problem, consult your doctor needs. It is not right to be biased towards the use of sedatives due to word of mouth or unfounded things you read on the internet.

  • NOTE: The information in this content is provided by US Psychiatrist Dr. It has also been checked by Smitha Bhandari.

8 misconceptions about sedative use:

  • The sedative pill does not solve the problem, it makes you forget.
  • It changes your character and numbs you, causing you to roam like a zombie.
  • It causes you to gain weight.
  • Once you use it, you have to use it for life.
  • The sedative pill negatively affects your sex life.
  • Antidepressants are not covered by insurance.
  • Only weak people use sedatives.
  • It drives its users to suicide.

The sedative pill does not solve the problem, it makes you forget:

unhappy man

No sedative pill will make you forget anything. But when you’re struggling with your problems helps you. You can use this type of medicine with peace of mind when you feel tired during the chaos of life, when you feel that you have no energy, and if your therapist approves to strengthen your psychotherapy process.

For some psychological conditions, the drug is a supportive agent, while for some It may also be at the center of treatment. Your doctor will determine the treatment method. However, keep in mind that this whole process is a part of the treatment and the main goal is to reach the solution of the problem.

It changes your character and numbs you, causing you to roam like a zombie:

tired man

Antidepressants are not drugs or happiness pills. Once you start using You don’t turn into a soulless person or a very happy, positive person. If you’re only feeling bad because of depression, an antidepressant approved by your therapist will help get you back on track. If such a drug has an effect on you such as apathy or happiness, the dosage or type of the drug can be changed.

It causes you to gain weight:

getting fat

Like all medicines, antidepressants have some side effects. The most common of these side effects are weight gain and weight loss. However, this side effect is not a must for every drug or a side effect that will occur in every person who uses it. Talking to your doctor whether such a side effect will occur. and you can learn what to do if it is seen.

In some cases, depression, which continues in parallel with the use of antidepressants, can also occur. can cause weight gain and the drug used in such a situation may even help with weight loss rather than weight gain. For this reason, do not stop using self-medication, thinking that you have gained weight without the advice of a doctor.

Once you use it, you may have to use it for life:

drug addiction

Contrary to popular belief, the sedative pill is not a medicine that can be used by anyone who feels bad. An episode of depression The use of antidepressants may be considered appropriate in problems such as making the person unable to continue his life.

It is aimed to control depression with the use of drugs between 6 and 9 months in general. Problem after control and after the person returns to the normal flow of life, the drug is gradually discontinued. You should definitely manage the drug withdrawal process in line with your doctor’s recommendations, many negative side effects of drugs that are stopped suddenly will be seen.

The sedative pill negatively affects your sex life:

sex life

As one of the side effects of antidepressant drugs, your sex life may be adversely affected. But already due to depression Decreased desire can also cause this situation. In other words, like all possible side effects, it is not a must, it is not a side effect that will be seen in everyone.

The vast majority of antidepressant drugs are not covered by insurance:

pharmacy, insurance

Many private health, general health, and employee insurances cover the cost of many antidepressant medications. However, as with all drugs There may be some exceptions. You can find out from your doctor or pharmacies whether the medicine you will use is covered by insurance.

Only weak people need sedatives very often:

unhappy woman

Far from it. Just as you take painkillers to heal faster when you have a headache, how do diabetes patients get insulin injections; Being comfortable in a depressed person in his daily life, to get through the process more easily. If deemed appropriate by his doctor, he can use a sedative pill.

Some problems, such as major depression, respond only to medication and require the use of antidepressants in their treatment. In other words, just as the use of antibiotics is mandatory with certain diseases, the use of antidepressants is mandatory in some psychological conditions. Like this because of wrong thoughts Do not disobey the doctor’s recommendations.

It has been observed that it drives its users to suicide:

unhappy woman

In a 2009 review published in the British Medical Journal; Relationship between suicidal ideation and antidepressant use in people aged 25 to 64 years there is no direct relationship, In people over 65 years of age, it has been observed that the use of drugs eliminates suicidal ideation.

However, it is known that one of the side effects of antidepressants is suicidal tendency. For this reason, the FDA, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, has issued this drug from all sedative pill manufacturers. write down the side effect wanted. In the event of such a side effect, which will not be seen in everyone, you can definitely consult your doctor and change the medication if necessary.

One of the issues that worries many people, whether they use it or not. misunderstood fears about antidepressants, tranquilizers and we told the truth of the matter. Never forget that it is completely normal to be aware of the situation you are experiencing, to consult a specialist and to take medication if necessary.

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