$ 600 Thousand Bitcoin Expectations From The US Investment Company: Gold Comparison

US research and investment company Capriole Investments stated that by comparing the current situation of Bitcoin (BTC) with the state of gold in the 1970s, Bitcoin could rise 40 times.

Famous on-chain analyst Charles Edwards is the CEO. Capriole Investments reported on December 27 that gold in 1970 He compared the current situation of Bitcoin and pointed out that Bitcoin could rise 40 times.

In the report, the market value of Bitcoin is only the market value of gold. equates to 2.5% has been told. In addition, Capriole claimed that gold in the 1970s was due to the inflation and aggressive interest rates of that period. From $35 to $900 it has experienced a sharp rise and when the graphs of the two assets are examined, Bitcoin is also bmay act similarly stated.

In case Bitcoin sees similar demand as it has a smaller market cap “40 times more” Pointing out that it can grow, Capriole said that the most important differences of Bitcoin from gold are “decentralized” and easily transferable.

The report states that since Bitcoin is produced in the internet age, it is much more advanced. is available was implied and described as Bitcoin being the hardest asset in the world.

On the other hand, Capriole, stating that Bitcoin has not found the bottom yet, said that 2023 it will shine bright is thinking.

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