6 games left the Xbox Game Pass service in January!

Xbox Game Pass generally continues to add games to its structure every month. January In the same month, he released some productions to make room for new games. The games that were removed from the service were clarified as six. Among them is a game that players love to play. Battle Royale game was also included.

The most remarkable among the games removed from service, TurkeyIt was quite a famous production. PC and xbox for platforms Game Pass production within, January As of now, it is no longer a game that Game Pass members can access.

Xbox Game Pass’s name is changing!

Xbox changed the name of its Game Pass service from Xbox Game Pass to PC Game Pass. Here are the details…

Games leaving Xbox Game Pass in January

Game Pass service, although six games have been discontinued, it is adding some productions to its portfolio this month. First of all, you can find a list of games released by the service below. Here are those games that were decommissioned:

  • PUBG: Battlegrounds
  • Pandemic: The Board Game (PC, Xbox)
  • Mount and Blade: Warband (PC, Xbox)
  • The Little Acre
  • Desperados III (PC, Xbox)
  • YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
  • Ghost of a Tale

These games are at the end of the month Game Pass leaving the service. Again PUBG: Battlegrounds, January 12, 2022It didn’t make much of an impact as it would be free from .

Now it’s your turn January per month Game PassComing to some games to be added to . Looking this way The Anacrusis, Pupperazzi, Windjammers 2 and starfield Looks like games. Especially Starfield is among the games that are eagerly awaited by the players. Because the production is the studio that Xbox bought Bethesda is under development by

Is Sony launching a rival service to Game Pass?

2022, Microsoft and xbox It looks like it will be an important year for him. Game Passsuccess company Sony and PlayStation He seems motivated. According to some reports, Sony is currently working on a Game Pass-like system. It is expected to be released in the spring of 2022. However, no definitive statement has been made by the company.

You Xbox Game Pass What do you think about it? Do not forget to share your ideas with us in the comments section!

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