$500K Price Forecast For Bitcoin From Famous Multi Millionaire: Made History

Famous millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, claimed that as a result of the monetary policies of the US Federal Reserve (FED), Bitcoin will reach 500 thousand dollars by 2025.

The famous millionaire was released on February 13 via his official social media account. in his postthe US economy a huge crisis He said he was waiting. Kiyosaki, the Fed’s billions of dollars by printing money expansion and that this situation has purchasing power negative he said it would affect him.

The famous millionaire called this the money of the gods. of gold and silver as well as what the people call money bitcoin He said he would raise the price. Kiyosaki will own Bitcoin by 2025. 500 thousand dollars, gold 5,000 dollars and silver 500 He claimed it would go up to $.

In the past, Kiyosaki has repeatedly stated that the monetary policy moves of the FED have affected the purchasing power of the dollar. by weakening prices of assets will carry it up had expressed.

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