5 reasons to stop using Apple Music!

Apple Musicis among the most used music listening platforms in the world. The platform, which was first introduced to us in 2015, currently has millions of users and the number of subscribers is increasing day by day.

The platform, which has shown improvements compared to the day it was first introduced, tries to offer a good experience to its users. Although the application has many useful features, some features annoy users. In this article, we will tell you 5 reasons to stop using Apple Music.

10 reasons to stop using Spotify!

In this article, we have listed 10 reasons for you to stop using the world-famous music platform Spotify.

1. Insufficient number of parts

Apple’s Music app has more than 70 million tracks. Although the number of these tracks is high, it unfortunately lags behind some competitors such as Spotify. This situation causes some users to not be able to listen to the songs they want. This may cause users to cancel their application subscriptions.

2. Troubles in music management

You can create your own playlist and listen to tracks on Apple Music. However, in parts management, the application lags behind other platforms. Especially when you choose a track without a playlist, it does not offer you a track suitable for your musical taste and asks you to choose a new track from the application. This annoys users and causes them to cancel their subscriptions.

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