5 Explosive Metaverse Coins Announced in 2023! – Cryptokoin.com

Metaverse coin projects have grown in popularity over the past few years. As we kick off a new year, we take a look at the top 5 metaverse coin projects by market cap.

The largest metaverse coin project ApeCoin (APE)

ApeCoin (APE) has a market capitalization of $1.296 billion. With this market cap, it ranks 30th in the cryptocurrency league. APE is trading at $3.59 at press time. Meanwhile, it has gained 2% over the past seven days. There is also a surge in whales’ interest in ApeCoin. As of December 22, APE entered the top 10 among the most purchased assets by the largest Ethereum whales.

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, ApeCoin launched its highly anticipated staking program in early December. It contains over 57.5 million staked APEs worth $247 million. APE’s issuer Yuga Labs owns two major Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collections, Bored Ape Yacht Club and Mutant Ape Yacht Club. Metaverse coin conducted a token airdrop in March. In the days leading up to Yuga Labs’ land auction on the Otherside metaverse in April, APE hit around $22 per token at the time of trading.

Internet Computer (ICP) in second place

Internet Computer is another metaverse coin project that is in the top 40 by market cap. ICP is second in the list of metaverse projects by market cap. Many long-term performance initiatives are still actively developing. The same goes for ICP. The aim of this project is to recreate the Internet using mostly Web3, if not all.

Internet Computer is a Blockchain where you can build web applications and decentralized applications. By the way, it received a lot of attention during the launch. After that, many developers started building dApps on it. The project’s native token, ICP, was trading at $3.88 at press time.

Third major metaverse coin project Theta Network (THETA)

Theta Network is one of the best known metaverse coin projects currently investigating solutions to the problems of the metaverse. It is also a Blockchain network developed specifically for video streaming. Theta Network aims to provide customer-centric services such as education, esports and movies at lower cost, with better content and a fairer business structure to transform the video streaming industry.


Finally, Theta Network supports VR worlds, video APIs and video-metaverse. Thus, making it ideal for use in the Metaverse. Currently, THETA is currently trading at $0.7622. Its total market value is at the level of 762 million dollars.

Popular metaverse coin project Axie Infinity (AXIE)

Axie Infinity is one of the most popular NFT metaverse games. It also attracted over a million active players at the peak of its popularity in 2021. Vietnamese tech-focused game company Sky Mavis launched the project in 2018.

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The tokens in the game are called Axie Infinity Shards (AXS). First of all, users have the possibility to use tokens for management and staking. AXS holders can buy, sell and trade the asset. There is also the possibility to stake for weekly rewards that will contribute to the owner’s total profit. Currently, AXS is trading at $6.80. The total market capitalization of the project is $680 million, and the project ranks 50th in the crypto league.

Sandbox (SAND) is also among the largest

Finally, The Sandbox (SAND) is another play-to-earn crypto game designed in a metaverse style. The developers built the Sandbox on the Ethereum Blockchain. It’s possible for players to purchase virtual property, which they then use to create, manage or monetize gaming experiences. Sandbox is essentially a platform that gives users the ability to create their own games, interact with games made by other users, and earn rewards in the form of tokens.

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Sandbox also has a vibrant NFT marketplace where users can purchase tools, NFTs, and even LAND to build their own games. According to this project’s whitepaper, there are only 166,464 individual LANDs currently held as NFTs.

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