400 Million Dollars Already Raised for the Altcoin to be Listed by Binance

Hundreds of millions of dollars were raised in the new coin campaign of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange.

In its statement this week, Binance announced that it selected Portal (PORTAL) as the 47th Launchpool project.

Portal, which combines games from different blockchains on a single platform, Number of players in the Web 3.0 world aims to increase. PORTAL token can be used in buying and selling in-game items, making decisions about the future of the platform and on platforms such as MagicEden.

Binance, from February 22 For users who deposit BNB or FDUSD to the platform from PORTAL for seven days PORTAL will distribute Including Turkish lira on February 29 He said that it will be listed on the exchange with five trading pairs.

By blockchain analysis platform Arkham to those who are shared According to users, More than $400 million worth of BNB in ​​one day to Binance to collect PORTAL deposited.

At least seven different wallets in total More than $10 million worth of BNB The largest transaction deposited to a single address was worth more than $40 million It was stated that.

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