4 Altcoins Have High Growth Potential in July

The host of the popular YouTube channel Cryptobusy, crypto analyst Tom 4 made important statements for altcoins. Tom has identified four altcoins with promising growth potential for July 2023. Internet Computer Token (ICP), Conflux (CFX), Cardano (ADA), and Polygon (MATIC) are Tom’s recommended cryptocurrencies. Let’s look at the details.

Altcoin Internet Computer Token (ICP): Unlocking the power of decentralized web services

According to Tom, the Internet Computer token (ICP) offers significant potential for profitable returns in July. This cryptocurrency enables users to create decentralized web-based services. Accordingly, it is revolutionizing blockchain design as Internet 2.0.

Tom highlights the developments surrounding ICP as a catalyst for the future growth of altcoin ICP. On the other hand, he argues that the current impairment presents a compelling opportunity for investors.

Conflux (CFX): Empowering decentralized applications with hybrid blockchain

Tom describes Conflux as a Chinese-origin public Layer 1 blockchain that uniquely addresses local region challenges. Accordingly, Conflux, which is positioned to strengthen decentralized applications in e-commerce and support Web3 infrastructure, stands out among its peers.


Tom expects significant adoption of Conflux fueled by crypto-friendly developments in Hong Kong and surrounding regions. Also, these developments make it a promising altcoin to watch in July.

Cardano (ADA): A solid long-term blockchain project

Aware of Cardano’s long-term potential, Tom takes a different view. He sees Cardano as a solid blockchain project despite recent setbacks impacted by market conditions.

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He highlights that Cardano’s resilience and delayed bull signals impacted by the surge in daily wallets make it a coin worth watching closely in the coming weeks. Tom’s analysis is important. It positions the altcoin Cardano as a project that will last over time and generate positive returns.

Altcoin Polygon (MATIC): Potential recovery and long-term promise

Tom envisions a potential rebound for Polygon. It also signals that it can make a 40% jump from its recent low. Echoing his long-term view, Tom sees the altcoin Polygon as a project that will stand the test of time. On the other hand, he advises investors to be patient. Also, with significant growth potential on the horizon, Polygon represents an altcoin with promising prospects.


cryptocoin.com Looking at it as a whole, crypto analyst Tom’s views shed light on four altcoins with high growth potential in July 2023. Recommendations for ICP, CFX, ADA and MATIC highlight their unique features and expected market performances.

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