3 Innovations Expected to Come with iOS 15.5 Update

The features that will come with the iOS 15.5 update that Apple will release in the coming days have emerged. Here are three of the expected innovations…

Apple’s new update iOS 15.5 The countdown has begun. on 16-17 May The update, which is expected to be released, will be presented with some new features. So what will come with iOS 15.5? Here are the features that Apple is expected to offer iPhones …

Some innovations that the new iOS 15.5 update will bring had appeared in previous beta versions. Now, reliable sources have made claims about some features that will come with the new update.

What’s new with iOS 15.5

Apple Classical

On the music side of the first change come true Waiting. Attaching importance to classical music, Apple lastly in August 2022. primephonic classical music app buy had taken. With this purchase, it is expected that users will be given a privilege that includes classical music. Of course, it is not yet known whether this will come integrated into the Apple Music application or standalone.

Apple Pay Cash

Another innovation is expected to be seen in the Wallet application. Because the previous in beta codes Various changes to be made here have been revealed and important information about the feature has also been revealed. According to the information in the beta codes, Apple Pay will have the ‘Apple Pay Cash’ feature. This will come with Request and Submit buttons. Users will be able to transfer cash from their cards to each other with Apple Pay Cash.

Other changes

In addition to the above, a few There will be more changes. iOS 15.5 with the update; podcasts A new setting will be presented for Thanks to this setting, users; It will be able to limit how many Podcast episodes can be kept in storage areas and automatically delete the old ones.


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On the other hand, for HomePods wifi signal indicators will be displayed. With this feature, you have View and view HomePods, you will be able to prevent you from connecting to the wrong network. These are the highlights for now. When there is a new development, we will share it with you again.

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