3 Analysts Shared 11 Altcoin Projects to Buy in the Bear Market!

In this week’s episode of “The Market Report,” veteran analysts share which altcoin projects can be bought in a bear market. We also share the shares of analysts cryptocoin.com We have prepared for our readers.

Altcoin selections by master analysts

Analysts Benton Yaun, Jordan Finneseth, and Sam Bourgi explain their views on the best altcoin projects to buy in a bear market. Sam Bourgi decides to start with Monero (XMR). Originally launched in 2014, it focuses on keeping your finances private and secure. The analyst’s second pick continues with Flux (FLUX), a cloud-based decentralized Web3 application, and for his third pick, Stacks (STX), the #1 Web3 project in Bitcoin as of January.

Benton Yuan starts off with his first pick, Dai (DAI). Of course, someone had to choose a stablecoin. However, its main advantage is that it is a multilateral stablecoin, meaning it is backed by multiple entities. Its next pick is Tomb.finance (TOMB), an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to the Phantom (FTM) price. His latest pick this week is The Sandbox (SAND), which has proven to be a big player in the metaverse space, with major partnerships with Adidas, Snoop Dogg, and Atari.

Finally, there is Jordan Finneseth, whose first choice was Algorand (ALGO), who boasted fast transaction speed, low costs and simplified staking experience, and managed to avoid major network outages or technical problems. The analyst’s second pick is DeFi Chain (DFI), a blockchain dedicated to fast, intelligent and transparent decentralized financial services accessible to everyone, with a total locked value (TVL) approaching $1 billion. The third and final pick of the week is The Graph (GRT), which releases modules designed to help companies create data graphs and easily get started with the Web3 experience.

After the showdown, Cointelegraph Markets Pro, a platform for crypto traders who want to stay one step ahead of the market, shares its predictions. Analysts used Cointelegraph Markets Pro to identify two prominent altcoin projects this week, resulting in: Biswap (BSW) and Origin Protocol (OGN).

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