3 Altcoins Launched! – Cryptokoin.com

TRON founder Justin Sun made an important announcement for 3 altcoin projects related to Tron Heco merger. The news helped prices recover amid the recession.

These 3 altcoins peaked after the news of Tron

After Justin Sun announced his investment in Huobi Tokens, Tron Heco made another announcement. The Tron founder said that Tron and the BitTorrent ecosystem will now work with Heco developers. As a result, the Tron community opted to purchase the Heco merger announcement. In just one hour, the Tron (TRX) price peaked over 7%.

Tron (TRX) was not the only altcoin to rise after the news. At similar rates, the price of Bittorent (BTTC) and Huobi Token (HT) also started to rise. BTTC is the TRC-10 based cryptocurrency of the BitTorrent ecosystem with a total supply of 990 billion. BTTC price evaluated the news in double digits. Huobi’s native token, HT, keeps its momentum gaining around 7% after the announcement. It gained more than 10% at one point during the day.

What is Heco Chain?

HECO Chain (Heco) is a highly efficient and energy-saving public blockchain. Compatible with smart contracts. It also supports high-performance operations. The addition of Heco to the Tron ecosystem makes sense given the fact that its endogenous token is the Huobi Token. Thanks to Justin Sun’s announcement about Huobi, its price spiked a lot earlier in the day.

The Tron Heco merge initiative has been a long-term effort by developers in the grand mission of connecting many Blockchains. During the launch of the BitTorrent Chain testnet last year, the team announced their plans to support Heco Chain. In this context, Justin Sun said that the ecosystem will bring together all Heco developers to bring together TRON and BitTorrent:

We will combine the TRON and BitTorrent Chain ecosystem with Heco. We will allocate enough capital to encourage all Heco developers to build on TRON and BitTorrent Chain together. Let ‘s do it!

next steps

cryptocoin.comAs you follow, Justin Sun has recently become a member of Huobi Global’s new advisory committee. After that, he announced plans to revive the crypto exchange in areas such as brand upgrading, empowerment, and business collaboration. The revival plan was triggered by a recent change in Huobi’s leadership. The founder of the exchange, Leon Li, sold his entire controlling stake to Hong Kong-based About Capital Management.

Leon Li previously announced on Capital its plans to have a leading global strategic advisory board, inject capital into margin and hedge funds, and strategies to increase competitiveness.

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